The case of Lee Weathersby III and Lamar Broussard,
Dinyal New the monther of 13-year-old son Lee Weathersby III and 19-year-old Lamar Broussard lost her two sons after 3 weeks of 1014 caused by gun violence.She was griving on losing her two sons and she said "To lose one son is bad enough.To lose a second one is almost unthinkable. I have no more kids,

The case of Jun Anabo
On May 18, 2022, just before 9:45 p.m., someone shot him while he and his son were walking to his car just outside his restaurant.Juan Anabo family want justice for his death it been two years and they haven’t received any word from the police of a suspect of Juan Anabo death.

The case of kwame anton bell
On february 11,2019 a car pulled up next to kwame anton bell car and police say the passenger pointed an assault rifle and shot him multiple time and he passed away on the scene.kwame anton bell mother said "I couldn't get here on time to tell my baby goodbye. I couldn't give him that last hug,”.